What formula and bottles are you using?


We currently have a mix of Phillips Avent anti-colic bottles, Phillips Avent Naturals, Medela, and Dr. Brown.

Most of the time, there ends up being so much milk spilling onto his neck (with the newborn nipples)... I’ve realized that this happens the least often with Avent Naturals and Medela bottles. I only have 1-2 of each so will likely buy more unless there are other brands recommended.

For formula, we are using Similac Pro Advance; this was given to us as a sample and we’ve just continued to use it. However, my baby seems to have reflux and gas problems despite feeding him upright, trying anti-colic bottles, burping a ton, and keeping him upright for 20+ mins after eating.

He tends to arch his back and get super fussy during and after some feedings. We’ve also recently tried gripe water and anti-gas drops, but haven’t noticed a huge improvement. I’ve tried moving his legs and massaging his tummy but he hates both of these things... any other tips would be greatly appreciated.

So if you have experience with a gassy/fussy baby, please let me know if a different formula or bottle was helpful. And FYI I’ve recently stopped pumping and even then he seemed to have the same reaction with breast milk in bottles :/