Slept with my best friend

Me and my guy friend always flirts but never done anything at all over the 7 years of being friends hes the sweetest guy ever .. anyway one night I asked him if he wanted to go out clubbing with me and he said yes. So I get all glammed up and he knocked on my door saying how stunning I looked and so on and we get to the club and we was drinking and a girl come up to him grinding on him and I have seen it all before it never bothered me but for some reason it did to night so I took a shoot walked over there pulled him away and started grinding on him and he started grabbing my hips and pulling me closer and the girl is just standing there in shock.. and then he goes let's go outside.. we go and he says oh sorry I didnt mean to make you feel uncomfortable I just wanted the girl to leave me alone because I just want it to be me and you tonight know one else and I whispered to him " I didnt want you to stop" and he pulled me close pushed my chin up and kissed me.. so we got a cab to my house and hes kissing me and grabbing my boobs and I'm grabbing his dick and hes starts fingering me in the cab and we get in my house and we go straight to the bedroom and hes taking my bra off and I'm undressing him and I get on top riding and hes grabbing I'm hips and saying how good I felt and it was sooo fucking sexy.. the next morning was a bit awkward we wake up and just stare at eachother and say what the hell just happened we laugh and and hes in the shower and I get a text from him saying " you was amazing"... I never knew we could be more the friends he was the best I have ever had.. hes just great

1.1k views • 63 upvotes • 12 comments



Posted at
I want to be like aw but all I can think about is the poor cab driver having to watch y’all fondle each other


je • Sep 14, 2019
Lol that and damn dude, how gross are those back seats? For real though ..that's pretty gross lol.


Lu • Sep 14, 2019
Won't lie so was i


Tu • Sep 13, 2019
Lmao 😂


Posted at
Fricken LOVE IT😂
Fricken LOVE IT😂


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Sounds like me and my fiancé lol started off as best friends he was seeing someone at the time and so was on and we would tell each other everything and hang out for hours sitting in the car talking eating Cali burritos lol then one day I got jealous about the girl he was talking to. In the end we ended up having sex in my car one night and it was amazing. 7 years later we are engaged with 2 little girls


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Poor cabbie


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In the cab? Sheesh😅


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Can we get an update like something happens if y'all start dating


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Omg I need updates 😭❤️🤗