Am I being over protective or overreacting?


So it was my husband, me, and both of our kids (10 years and 5 months). We were out and about shopping and were in a store. Well my MIL decided to meet us at that store. Her and my husband were playing with the baby (4 months at the time) and I was on the same aisle but further down reading jokes from a book to my oldest. I look up and my husband is giving me this “oh shit” face and my MIL was putting ice back in her cup. I asked her if she was putting ice in my baby’s mouth. She said “no I would never do that, I was just rubbing it on his gums”. Which is the same thing, I thought. So I got highly pissed. My husband grabbed the baby from her and he was sleepy. She wanted to walk around the store holding him thinking he may go to sleep. I grabbed him, said no and walked off with both of my kids. Yes, I was petty and shouldn’t have done that but I was pissed that she put ice in my baby’s mouth. My husband didn’t think it was that big of a deal because she was holding the ice. I asked him what if he would’ve sucked it out of her fingers. Not only that, but her hands have been only God knows where and all over the buggies, why on God’s green earth would you put your nasty little dirty fingers in any baby’s mouth. My husband had to agree after he thought about that part. I told him that now, I can’t even trust her to be alone either the baby (she’s watched him ONE time while me and my husband went out to eat and my husband wanted her to do it again this weekend). She did that right under my nose, there’s no telling what she’d do when I’m not around. I told him I’d get someone else that I know for sure won’t put ice in his mouth or do anything that could possibly harm him to watch him. Am I being over protective or overreacting? What would you do in that situation?