Is this rude?

My husband and I are attending a family wedding this Saturday and kids aren’t allowed. It’s the first time we’re using a babysitter as we don’t have any other option. The wedding is an hour away so we’d be gone for almost 10 hours. (There’s a large time gap between the ceremony and reception). I’m not worried about the babysitter having him that long, but I am concerned about paying $100 for one night away 😬 do you think it would be rude to just attend the reception and not the ceremony? The couple who are getting married only attended our reception when we got married and I thought that was very rude, but they also don’t have kids or anything to work around (and I’m not the petty type to just not go because she didn’t attend mine).

Should also add that this cousin of mine is very dramatic and self-centered and has gotten into conflict with me in front of family in the past so I don’t want to not attend the ceremony and cause drama 😬 she literally called me a bi*** for getting pregnant during her “wedding season” which she got engaged two years ago, so....sorry? 🤷🏻‍♀️ but at the same time we have some legit reasons and money is tight right now.

Help! What would you do?