Do you ever get ahead in life?

Luna - boy mom and future reapritory therapist

No matter how hard my husband and I work, were always struggling to make ends meet. Career changes, cutting corners, finishing education, it doesn't matter. I still wear nursing bras because I can't afford to buy new ones. I'm scared because I'm running out of clothes that fit my 8 month old. My credit score is dropping all the time. When I was a kid, I was told that as long as you worked hard you could get everything you want in life. It's not true, is it?

My husband has grown up poor his whole life, didn't always know when his next meal would come from.

Then he was in college and as most people know it's hard to live a luxurious life in college. Today he said to me that he just wishes for once in his life he wasn't poor. It broke my damn heart. 😭