Do you ever go to your moms to sleep over and if it's not possible would you if your married

So today my husband and I got into a disagreement, I wanted to go up to my moms house over the weekend l, Friday day to Saturday morning. All I wanted to do was help her with odds and end chores around the house, and help her with my grandma (she has Alzheimer's) and nephew(shes raising my sisters baby) so she can go on a date with my dad, And simply just to help her out. My husband works the nightshirt and it's not his day off so I don't see the issue. As he won't even be home. But also my mom lives pretty far out around 45 minute drive so if she doesn't get home till 11 I don't want to be driving with my kids all the way home that late at night. He says married people don't sleep over at other people's house I say it's my mom it's not like a friends house, it's not everyday, it's not even for drinking or anything like that it's just to take some pressure off my mom, even at that if my mom and I have a good relationship is it really weird if I want to spend the night up there every once in awhile?

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