God mother - is she wrong?

My best friends and I have been besties for almost 10 years.... Pretty much inseparable. I’ve been there for ever up and every down. No matter what. And showed up whenever she need me to.

She finds out she’s pregnant (yay). And I was the first person she told... I’ve been there this entire journey (through her depression, uncertainty around the father, how to communicate to the father, etc).


She just asked my thoughts around our older sorority sister being her god mother. Reasoning being, she’s older (40) and a positive influence on her life. She has no relationship with her. The woman doesn’t even know she’s pregnant. Probably talks to her twice a year.

I’m 27 with no kids. So I don’t really have a perspective on being a mom. But I know about loyalty and being a genuine friend.

Is she wrong for not even considering me to be the god mom?

PS— I know it’s her baby, her choice. But it’s hard not to feel insulted.

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