Need prayers for a better outcome 🙏


My DH and I tried for nearly 2 years to get pregnant with our 3rd child. I had nearly given up when I finally got that BFP in late Dec. We have 2 boys, so we were so excited to find out this baby was a girl! Then, in mid May I went in for my monthly check up & the dr couldn’t find a heartbeat. I gave birth at 23 weeks to a sleeping angel. We were devastated and heartbroken. I’m 35, so we didn’t know if we’d be able to have another since it took us so long to get her. Fast forward to early July I get a BFP. I was shocked and ecstatic. I took another PT the next morning and 2 more mornings after that. The line never got darker and I had a chemical pregnancy loss about a week and a half later. Then, on what would have been my grandmas 91st birthday, if she were still here, I ovulated. I had such little hope but we tried that day anyway. 9 DPO I get a BFP, followed by another with a darker line, and the lines have continued to darken.

I am due a year to the day that we lost our sweet baby girl. Please pray for me and my family that we get to hold this baby in our arms without having to say goodbye.