It’s hard not to offend other parents.

I consider myself a very kind, empathetic person. I have a lot of mommy friends that parent very differently from me, and that is completely okay. Sometimes I feel bad though, because when it comes to things like safety, I want to offer correction in a kind manner. I don’t know how to do this without offending people.

Example: my friend always puts her child’s chest clip too low on his car seat. Not super low, but not at arm pit level. It’s tight enough, which is good, but it he chest clip is just slightly low. I have never had the balls to tell her.

Example #2: Today at Target my daughter started to fuss. I didn’t have her ring sling with me and I couldn’t carry her and push the cart. I was with my friend and she had her structured carrier. She offered it to me. I hadn’t used one before, but I was desperate. She helped me put it on and get baby in. I felt awkward, but I knew this carrier was not situated correctly. I asked, “is it supposed to be this loose? It doesn’t feel very supportive.” She said, “Yeah, that is how we use it all the time.” Then I noticed my daughter’s legs were just hanging, not in a proper position to prevent hip dysplasia. I said, “Are her legs supposed to be like this (knowing they weren’t)?” She said, “Yeah, that’s what his legs usually look like.” I replied, “It just seems a little off and I am just concerned about hip issues.” She told me that is the way she always wears her son and he is perfectly fine.

I didn’t want to offend her. But like, what do I do? Do I educate her? That doesn’t seem like my place.

It’s such a constant struggle when you care about people and their babies and your intentions are pure, but there is a great risk of offending them.

There are so many examples of when I want to say something...

-When they give baby a blanket way too young

-When they get excited that baby has a tan fr the sun.

-When they let baby sleep in a car seat in the house.

-When the crib sheets are too loose.

...It goes on and on...

Does anyone else feel this way? How do you deal with it?