Tantrums/ jealousy

Daniela • Momma To A Princess👑 07.22.16 2:10pm💖 Expecting Baby #2 March 3rd 💙👣

Hello mommies i don't know who to talk or what to do anymore I'm hoping u can get advice from others who have dealt with it or are dealing with it. I have my 3yo daughter and my almost 7month old baby boy. Recently for the past few weeks I've noticed my 3yo Has been throwing fits over anything will start to throw herself on the floor while crying or screaming to get my attention. Last night we had an incident where she woke up in the middle of the night asked me to hug her then baby woke up and she didn't want me to hold baby started to cry wouldn't let me put baby down on the bed wouldn't let me hold him at all. Dad tried to comfort her but she didn't want anything to do with him just wanted mommy. I've tried to include her in activities I try to reassure her that we love her very much and that she will always be our baby as well. Now that she's started preschool I drop her off in the mornings without baby and we get that time to ourselves I read to her before I leave her school. I'm unsure of what to do next and trying to help her understand and adjust we didn't have this problem when baby was born Im not sure why it's happening now.