
Chelsie • Wife, Mommy of 2 princesses & trying to concieve

I'm feeling so hopeful about this month. It just feels different. My AF is due on the 26th I had some spotting on the 17th(light reddish pink when wiping) Tmi sorry, 20th(checked my cervix and black like blood and dark red blood came out) was light tho and it ended early yesterday morning. With that I also had cramping similar to AF but dull. I been having terrible night sweats and heartburn and for the last couple days all I want to do is sleep. Like an idiot I took a test this morning and yesterday and it a bfn of course I know I'm not out yet and I'm praying on a sticky bean this month but I dont wanna get my hopes up. Is there anyone going through the same as me? I'll even screenshot my cycle maybe I can find a twin 😁