High risk pregnancy and birth with one thing after the other

I was 7 weeks pregnant and I was bleeding for 12 days straight. I went to the dr and they told me I was having a miscarriage. They did a pelvic ultrasound and vaginal ultrasound but they couldn’t find a baby. 2 days later I went to the dr to make sure and run some blood test and surprise I was still pregnant! I had Hyperemesis Gravidarum till 22 weeks. I was in an out of the hospital. At 23 weeks my blood pressure was 159/93 they checked it a few more times and it didn’t go down. My dr told me it was because I was nervous.. uh no. At 27 weeks we moved overseas due to the military and my new dr was amazing. My blood pressure was through the roof and they gave me a steroid shot for my babies lungs and sent me home to collect my unrine for 24 hours. 24 hours later they told me I had preeclampsia and they found protein in my unrine and I got my 2nd does of the steroid shot. I saw a high risk dr the next day and they told me I was to be induced 3 weeks before my due date! From that point on I saw my dr every other day and had non stress test done up until I was going to be induced.

I was admitted to be induced at 5am, I was more excited then nervous at the beginning. They inserted a foley ballon and it fell out 4 hours later. They checked me and I was a 3. Then they gave me a very low dose of pitocin. (I was having regular contractions for a few weeks now. I never felt them)

They gave me the peanut ball and had me changing positions because the baby was having dips in his heart rate.

They checked me again and I was still a 3. They offered me the epidural but I told them I was fine for now... not even 30 minutes later and I got the epidural. It took over an hour to kick in but when it did I felt nothing! After it kicked in they checked me and I was a 3 1/2. Not even 10 minutes later I felt a lot of pressure and asked the nurse to check me. She told me I couldnt progress that fast. She checked me and said I was a 10 and ready to push!

The dr came in and said I broke a record (going from a 3 1/2 to a 10 in less then 15 minutes) he said “let’s see if you can break another record with pushing this baby out) he told me first time moms push for at least 1-2 hours and to not get discouraged. Less then 10 pushes in 3 minutes and he was out!! My beautiful baby boy! He had Jaundice and we were at the hospital for over a week. 1 month later and my husband thought I was having a stroke but it turned out I have Bell’s palsy. It’s mostly subsidized but you can tell if you really focus. Dr said it was from the trauma when I gave birth.

Even though I felt like it was trauma-less my body thought otherwise.

Such a crazy pregnancy and birth and even postpartum and I pray to god everyday to let me have another baby ❤️