Reflux or something else?


We are seeing our Pediatrician again tomorrow but just looking for some input from other moms. I know you guys can’t diagnosis or anything like that but maybe things I’m not thinking of to mention what could be going on with our little man. So to start he is quiet nasally I try the bulb and saline and that seems to help but once he’s laid down after a bit it’s like I did nothing. He seems to have a milk sensitivity so we had tried gentlease and then lactose free. Lactose free was going good until I gave him Jameison colic relief drops and then more mucus and diarrhea(realized on the bottle after it says do not give if you have a milk allergy, major mom guilt) so I took him to his family doctor and she said he seemed fine and it should start to get better without any changes. I asked if he should be seen again if it continued and she said no she didn’t think it would. So a few more days go by and same thing and so we decide to try alimentum rtf and his poops improve but spit up increases and clear saliva bubbles increase. So I went back to the lactose free after about a week of alimentum thinking ok his bowel is back to normal from those drops and we are good now. Nope back to mucus and diarrhea and I gave it a few days and normally we see positive change within hours of switching. So we are back on alimentum but again more saliva bubbles. He’s choked twice once in his elevated crib and once in his swing. It’s almost like he starts to spit up but nothing comes out and it gets stuff and there’s just a lot of those clear bubbles. He starts to turn red but we are always able to help him recover but it’s like what if I didn’t notice because he can’t make a lot of sound during these episodes. I did give him gripe water before these two episodes but he’s had it before without issue but not while on alimentum if that makes sense so I plan on stopping that. So my thoughts and what I plan on mentioning are reflux or possible tongue tie. I’m just wondering if anyone else has had similar experiences and what the outcome was. He’s gaining weight fine I just hate seeing him like this.