Relationship Virgin

Is it normal to never had been in a relationship? I’m almost 28 years old. Can someone tell me am I doing things wrong or right and are just unlucky? The only kind of guys that try to talk to me are bums on the street literally or real old men. Eewww. I’m not picky I just won’t settle for less. No one ever took me serious. I am the one to ask guys out and I’ve done it plenty of times and always got rejected. Guys don’t approach me. I don’t know why. I never got asked out although I’ve been on dates. No one ever took the time out to get to know the real me or stuck around long enough. What could it be? I think I have an outgoing personality, I have a degree, am attractive, and female colleagues call me funny. So what am I doing wrong? I feel inexperienced because of this. I try to avoid conversations about guys with my female friends.