I don’t like dogs and don’t know what to do


So we’re about to move into our house and my husband is wanting to get a dog and I really don’t. As a kid my husband grew up with dogs, like the second they moved into a house they began looking for one and he’s had several growing up. I’ve told him several times that I don’t want one but he always chooses to ignore my opinion and keeps on saying that one day he’s just going to show up with one (he’s done that before to his parents and that’s how they got stuck with one of their pets).

When we were dating I was kind of on the fence about animals and he knew that, but after we got married and got pregnant I started leaning more to one side. Then I had to watch his sisters dog and that just put me over the edge. Maybe it was just because I was pregnant but every thing he did just bugged me. He constantly wants you to open the door to go in or out (if you don’t he’ll scratch at the glass part of the door), he rubs his butt on everything, he stinks, he’s a big baby, jumps up and sleeps on the bed even though he knows not to, and breaks things ( he even peed on her laptop for school because he was mad). Then I had to watch my husbands friends dogs for a few days and two of the four rolled in the mud so I had to bathe them and that made me dislike them more.

As a stay at home mom I’m the one who’s going to be spending the most time at home and I really don’t want to be spending my time taking care of a dog and cleaning up after it and my husband is going to be too busy with working, renovating our home, side projects, and most importantly spending time with our son.

Anytime I share my opinion I’m called mean and told what an awful person I am and a bunch of other stuff. I just want to feel comfortable in my own home. One that doesn’t smell like dog, or have pet hair, and doesn’t have something constantly watching me. I also don’t want it going around my baby he’s still in that stage where he puts everything in his mouth(I’m also a new mom that hasn’t gotten over that stage of not wanting gross/dirty things touch my kid). I’ve also had not very great experiences with them as a kid. I even told my husband that if he gets a dog it’ll have to be an outside dog (we live in Florida with a very shaded yard so it’ll be okay) and sleep in the garage but he got so upset with me and keeps putting me down over a dog we don’t even have. He said that he would rather sleep outside with the dog than me. Don’t I ever get to make a choice in our lives? I’ve rolled with everything he wants. I moved across the country for him, let him choose our house, our car, what we eat , what we do, pretty much everything even our sons name. I just don’t know what to do.

Update: he’s told me before that if I ever wanted a cat he would shoot it, plus I’m allergic.