Would you print your bank statements?

So my fiance and I used to share a bank account, but then I left him because he can be pretty controlling. IE: not wanting me to see friends or family without him, criticizing my outfits or questioning why I try and look nice to go to work, or not wanting me to go to the gym.

Well, we got back together and I got pregnant, so we are trying to work through our issues. I have a really good job and he makes a lot less than me. He gets angry with me if I spend any of my hard earned money on myself without "running it by him". Yes, our bills are paid and no I dont want to share an account with him because he controls all the money when I have done that in the past. I'm not sure if him and I will workout, so I dont want to tie my finances in with his.

He has been bugging me the last couple days to print off my bank statements each month so that he can see what I spend money on. I wouldn't ask him to do this and I'm not sure if I'm overreacting in feeling like this is him being controlling or if I should just send them all to him every month?

I understand couples should not hide finances, but he literally lectures me and makes me feel like shit if I spend my money without telling him- but he buys whatever he wants....