Irritation... down there HELP!


Okay, so.... this happens EVERY SINGLE MONTH.

I work in the heat and spend my entire shift walking. Due to the amount of CM around ovulation, to NO CM within 48 hours after ovulation, then AF and my Small menstrual cup still being too long/large rubbing, and adding friction and moisture from BD, my vaginal lips get very sore and irritated. I have only had 3-4 yeast infections in my life and have been checked for yeast infection. Negative. I've had the same monogamous partner. No STDs.

Other than often showering(which helps at first), what can I do to help the irritation? I've tried using Monistat chafing powder gel, but it can make it worse at times. I want to heal and prevent it, not just mask the irritation with Vagicaine.