Don't Know What to Do


I'm in my first relationship at almost 30. We've been together for three months, and there have been some red flags that I am concerned about and am seeking advice.

1. Drinking—He's had a lot happen in his life, from losing both his parents in his early 20s to health issues to not getting to see his kid as often as he likes. This has turned into him drinking, in my opinion, an unsafe amount for someone his age. On the weekdays, he tells me he only has 1 or 2 drinks, but on the weekends, all bets are off. He will regularly drink a 6 pack or more in one sitting. Which brings me to #2...

2. Safety—He has no qualms with driving if he has been drinking and doesn't feel "too drunk" aka not falling down. On top of that, after he had about 8 beers last night, he left the door to my apartment unlocked before coming to bed.

3. Health—I'm not the healthiest person in the world, but I'm trying to work on that. He seems content to continue eating high fat/high calorie things without exercise despite having major issues with his heart/blood pressure. When I brought this up to him, he shrugged me off by saying "We all die someday". I don't know what to do with that. It's extremely distressing to hear that from someone who has the potential to be your life partner.

Any advice you guys have on dealing with this or otherwise, please feel free to comment. I'm by no means a perfect person and want to learn what I can do to be better.