Plantar fasciitis.


Has anyone experienced plantar fasciitis? If so, how was your experience with it? What did you do to shake the pain? Did your doctor recommend anything? Does it come back? I just have so many questions about it.

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Posted at
Do your calves hurt too? And is it one or both feet?


Posted at
I have plantar fascitis in both feet, but a lot worse in my left foot. In my case, I think it’s the most common cause, my calf muscle is shorter and doesn’t extend enough into my foot. What really helps are exercises that help stretch the muscle in your calf. There should be some stretches online. I had to go to a physical therapist to find out. But going online is nice and free! Good luck!!


Posted at
Rest, ice, compression, elevation. It's essentially the inflammation of the tendons in your foot... Could be caused by an injury, overuse, or the hormones from pregnancy. In order to bring the inflammation down you need to rest and ice. Good supportive inserts can help alleviate and prevent further inflammation. Take an anti-inflammatory like ibuprofen too. It'll help.


Posted at
Oooh if you freeze a water bottle, you can put it on the floor while you’re sitting and roll your feet over it. Helps a lot with the inflammation. Doing the same with a tennis ball helps to stretch everything out and feels really good. You need to wear really supportive shoes to make it better. Which I’m stubborn about because I love my flip flops.


Brandi • Sep 29, 2019
Oooh me too flip flops are life... had it so bad I had a walking boot. What helps is rest and fitted orthopedic shoes


Posted at
My SO have it, pretty bad, so ha goes to a specialist orthopedic technician two times a year to get insoles specially designed/made. He has also had to change his career/work to where he can sit and work, to avoid any unnecessary stress and straining to hus feet.


Posted at
What is that ??i never heard of it before in my life mind educating me ?


Ka • Sep 29, 2019
It's basically where the heal to the top of your foots muscle becomes inflamed. I wear arches to subside the pain but some people actually get surgery to compress the nerve causing the pain. Sort of like carpal tunnel, but for your feet


Posted at
I have it and I put braces over my arches (like four bucks at walmart) and wear lots of tennis shoes. I dont do pain meds, but I do soak my feet in Epsom salts and essential oils after a long day (probably about 3 to 4 times a week) I've had this since i was like 15 and it was from being barefoot or only wearing sandals.