How to deal with insecurities?

So my boyfriend got a new phone maybe a week or so ago. We got onto the topic of sex and porn over text and he tells me that he doesn’t have his twitter account anymore.

He used to have one strictly dedicated to porn, videos of women topless or otherwise, and related stuff.

Lately though I still see that he has the twitter app. And I asked him once “why do you still have the twitter app if you don’t use it?” He opens it in front of me and shows me there is no account on there. I shrug it off.

Then, just today i find out that he just created a new account for the same reasons. Strictly for porn and pretty women.

I then see on his 9GAG account that he even likes/comments on women’s pictures there too.

He’s just constantly looking at half naked or naked women. Like all the time.

Is it wrong that it bugs me a little bit? And the fact that he told me he didn’t have a twitter anymore and then creates a new one?

Personally, I don’t have this need to constantly look at naked or half naked men. I might follow some celebrities and band members, but nothing remotely close to what he follows.

I don’t care about porn because that’s all fantasy. But everything else bugs me. And it’s all women with huge boobs and huge asses. Super gorgeous.

I’m as average as a girl can get. My boobs are average. My ass is not big at all. It’s average. I’m not fit or toned.

Am I even his type? Does he even find me attractive?

He hardly ever compliments me and I gotta admit it brings down my confidence when I think I look nice and he barely bats an eye.

I even ask for his for reassurance if he finds me attractive or not.

I know that if he’s not engaging or talking to other women it shouldn’t bother me, but it does.

And it is an insecurity thing. Definitely. I just don’t know what to do or how to react.

Please be kind and offer me some advice!


I told him how I was feeling and how uncomfortable it made me that he had porn and all these women on his phone 24/7. I said it made me insecure and that i questioned wether he still found me attractive at all because he made those accounts while we were together.

And I told him that it sucked knowing he was looking at these model-like women whenever he wanted to. And then for him to never be vocal about if I looked beautiful and whatnot, made me feel like he was losing interest in me, I was getting boring to look at, and maybe he’d like it better if I looked more like those women.

He seemed pretty taken aback by everything I said. He went on to tell me that he only made those accounts because Tumblr banned all NSFW content back in December. He said he’s not over here looking at those posts all the time, like he’s not waiting for me to turn my head away so he can look. He said it was strictly for porn to get off to when I’m not around. (We see each other 2 or 3 times a week.) He reminded me that he chose me, he picked me and he’d pick me over porn and any of those women. He told me he always finds me beautiful and attractive, he just never says it out loud. He didn’t have a reason for not doing it, he just doesn’t do it. He didn’t realize that him not complimenting me and him not being more vocal about things like that made me question his love for me.

He apologized for making me feel that way and went on to tell me how beautiful I was, that he feels like a winner every time he sees me.

I told him that we have different love languages, different ways of giving and receiving love. He is very physical and that’s his main way of showing me love and me giving him physical attention makes him feel loved back. We are constantly touching each other, everywhere we go we are conjoined at the hip.

I said that I loved the physical, but being vocal and hearing him tell me how much me loves me, how much I mean to him, and a few compliments thrown in makes me feel loved more than anything.

He apologized for not saying those things out loud. And he really made me feel better about the whole thing. I told him my insecurities aren’t just magically gone, but I felt a bit better.

He promised to try and be more vocal for me. And the fact that he didn’t make that twitter to just look at women for fun made me feel better too. If it’s just for porn to get off to when I’m not around, I’m okay with that.