Moving out, should I?


I’m 20 with a 1 year old (yes I’m not a teen anymore but I was a 18 and pregnant) and my fiancé has been living with me and my parents since I was 18. He is going to be moving back in with his mom soon to help save up money so we can eventually move out together in our own apartment. Well him and his mom have come up with the idea to remodel their house and have me and my daughter move in as well. I don’t know how I feel about this because my parents support me the most. His mom has never helped out with my daughter financially or watched her. My mom lends me money when I’m short, baby sits all the time when I’m at school, she even offers to help on the late nights/ super early mornings. His mom isn’t my favorite either. She’s an alcoholic and is trying to get help but there is also a chance of her going to jail... she just got her 3rd DUI and is out on bail. So my fear of moving in with her is that, my moms feelings will be hurt, I won’t be as happy as I am with my parents, and she’s possibly going to jail so we would actually have to pay more to keep her house than us getting an apartment. Plus I know she won’t remodel like she says. But if I don’t move out with him and his mom I will be moving with my parents to a city 25 minutes away from where my fiancé is living and I’ll have to make longer drives for my daughter to see her dad plus I won’t get to live with the love of my life. I’m so stuck. I don’t know what to do. What would you do?