Burnt out

I work in a very emotionally demanding career working with special needs adults and children and helping them live on their own instead of being sent into an institution. Its hard but i love it. I'm also 12 weeks pregnant and engaged and have a 2 year old. I leave work caring for these guys then go home to care for my guys at home. I'm alone 0% of the time. I can't eat sleep or pee without someone being in my face needing something. That sounds like I'm ungrateful for everything i have and I'm not I just need a break. Mentally in exhausted. I got in the car yesterday to come home and just cried the entire way because I'm so over extended. My fiance can't help much because he wss just in an awful wreck and almost died and is still very much in pain. My parents both work and my grandparents arent local. I just don't know what to do😭😭😭 I need a break.