Does this make me a horrible person/mother???

Edit: Thank you for your thoughts. To those saying to use birth control, unfortunately I cannot. I had horrible reactions when I was on the pill and even the depo. So, I stay away. And I am sensitive and have bad reactions to most condoms as well. We use them often when we have sex, but it's sucks after we're done.

Honest opinions & anyone else experience this??

My husband and I have a 6 month old. We love our baby so, so much. We planned in trying after our wedding, but I got pregnant just before. Which was alright with us.

One thing I was never prepared for were "phantom kicks".... At first it was nice right after cause I would think about when my baby was in my belly. But as the months pass, it's just made me anxious. The thought of being pregnant again at this time scares the ever living hell out of me.

We haven't had much unsafe sex and if we do, he puts a condom on at near the end anyway or he finishes elsewhere. And we haven't had sex very often. I've gotten my period since 6 weeks pp even though I breastfeed. But, I experienced a "period" (implantation bleeding) when I fell pregnant the first time, which is why my periods don't really assure me as well.

I am going to tell my husband to get a test. I just feel like if these are actual feelings and not "phantom kicks" that I would rather get an abortion. It sounds so horrible and I feel torn about that idea. On one hand, I have struggled with ppd and one baby is all I can handle physically and financially as well. On the other hand, I feel like that makes me a horrible mother for even thinking it since I love my baby right now.

Anyone else going or gone through this? Or even have opinions on this?