Let’s just lay here


Part 8. Part 1- Come on teach me. Part 2 - All too much. Part 3 - I've created a monster. Part 4 - Sexier a secret. Part 5 - Wanting to black out. Part 6 - Fun all by myself. Part 7 - Okay, too much.

So I can’t put the entire story in this chapter, I will be putting this up and the next part right after it.


It's been about six days since I've seen or even spoke to tom, it isn't been hard since I just stay in the house, or go with my mother to work off my collage tuition, tom has texted me but I just told him I needed time to think about everything.

Today Shelia invited me out to a party that some frat guys were having, I usually say no to things like this, but  wanted to get out and have a little fun.

I been at the party for maybe two hours, Shelia was dancing with some random guy so I made way into the kitchen doing my best to not bump into all the people that were here, I had found a seat in the kitchen and grabbed a cold beer before taking that down then one of the shot's. This party was a bad idea, I just fill depressed in this place.

I stood up making way back to the living room looking through the crowd trying my best to find Shelia I seen about two girls that I thought were her but I didn't see her so I was gonna go up the stairs but that's when I seen a girl her hair was covering her face her body slumped against the banister suddenly I seen a hand grab her waist and she moved her face up.

Shelia. I groaned internally and walked up the stairs.

"N-no." She drunkenly tried to push the guy away.

"Come on baby we could have so muc-"

"She isn't interested now move." I lightly pushed the guy away from Shelia.

"E-Ella, I-I t-think I d-drank t-to m-much." She burped and I sighed.

"I know." I lifted up her hair and made way out the door she was mumbling something but I just looked left then right, and took a deep breath.

"H-hey! C-come back w-with my g-girl!" I turned my head to see Jake coming out the party barely walking straight but trying to sound like he's sober.

"Jake!" I groaned and he looked shocked.

"W-who t-told you m-my name! Was it god! Because h-he can't h-have me yet!" When he snapped that Shelia drunkenly giggled and I sighed.

"Okay, just sit here for me." I said placing her on the step of the porch, I walked up to Jake grabbing his arm and guiding him down the stairs, he slipped on the last one and when he fell he took me down with him, I closed my eyes taking a deep breath as I hit the grass on impact.

Shelia and Jake were both laughing.

I needed to just take a deep breath or I would burst out in tears.

"Jake, calm down and move over." I said and he just laughed so I pushed him the hardest I could and he rolled down the hill, I took a seat on the steps and just watched as him and Shelia dunked laughed. I ran my hands through my hair and down my face I stood up looking left then right. "You got this Ella."

"C-can we s-sleep!" I looked to my brother and smiled.

"Not now, Shelia come here." She stood up drunkenly walking over to me I guided her down the stairs to my brother. "You guys hold hands, and do not let go!" I said sternly and they both nodded like children. "Walk." They both started to walk and I dreaded this decision.

I know Tom had to be here, because he has class for three months and unlike me he goes to school. I got into the dorm's happy that a student was walking out as we were walking up Shelia and Jake were walking so slow and fell more then once that I think it took at least an hour to get here.

"H-hey I know t-this place!" Jake danced and I sighed going in his pocket. "Hey! THIEF! S-SHE'S STEALING MY THING- Hi Tom." I heard the door open and I knew I just new my loud ass brother woke him up.

"Jake." Tom's voice was so soothing right now. 

Damn me!


"Jake!" I snapped and he stopped.

"Get in the room." Tom groaned and I grabbed Shelia's hand and guided her in the room and the moment we got inside she barfed all over the floor next to the trashcan.

"Come on, the trashcan was right there!" Tom snapped and Shelia started to tear up.

"I'm s-sorry."

"Hey! Don't m-make her feel sad!" My brother burped in the middle of that sentence which just made him less intimidating. "Just because you are." When he said that my eyes went wide.

"Shelia let me get you home." I whispered and she nodded her head.

"I'm sorry." She cried and I smiled.

"Your doing great." I smiled and she matched my smile.

"Why would you get him drunk and bring him to me!?" Tom snapped, I closed my eyes taking a deep breath and standing up.

"First of all! I didn't do shit! He got drunk on his own, and secondly fuck off!" I grabbed Shelia's hand and she squealed as I pulled her out the building.

"Wait, wait, wait! Ella, come here! ELLA PLEASE!" I stopped walking and Shelia took a seat on the grass, I turned around.


"I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry I went way too far and I knew it the moment I did. I knew one day that would happen, I just lose control and I want it back so I take control of what I could and that was you. I like the control I have over you and when I felt like mark was gonna come and take that from me I was pissed!" I shook my head.

"Control." I nodded my head and tried to blink away the tears. "You were losing control of me!? WHAT DOES THAT EVEN FUCKING MEAN!?"

"Dick." Shelia said and I looked down to her and smiled.

"I need control okay! Take it or leave it!" He snapped then walked away I wiped away the tears and shook my head.

"Come on love." I sighed and Shelia took my hand, I got her back to her house and we didn't speak another word her mother was mad that she wasted but happy that she was home and happy that I'm the one that brought her home.

I was walking down the road only a few houses down from my parent's house I could see the figure on the steps of the house and I already knew who it had to be.

"Go away tom." I sighed.

"Not tom." Mark snickered and I tilted my head in confusion.

"What are you doing here?" I crossed my arms.

"Yeah, what are you doing here?" I turned around and seen tom so I rolled my eyes.

"I was actually with your father, just came out to smoke." He said showing the cigarette, I nodded my head and took a deep breath.

"I'm going inside." I groaned and walked by mark into the house.

"Hey hone- Tom." My mother stopped greeting me when tom walked in after me, I looked over to him and shook my head.

He doesn't give up, does he.

"Hello Mrs. Ramos, Mr. Ramos." Tom greeted my mother just glared at him and I walked off which seem to make tom follow me, tom walked into my room first and I went in after him closing and locking the door.

I turned around and tom was standing in front of me what confused me the most was the tears that was streaming down his face, he was slowly walking over to me till he was face to face.

"I can't live without you Ella, I tried I swear I tried this entire time to not think about you, not ask about you, not look at your picture's over and over, but I can't. I didn't do anything but mope in my dorm room for six days! Forgive me, please." I didn't move not even as his arms snaked around my body. "I would never do that to you again, I promise I will never lose control." I still didn't move I instead looked down trying to hide the sadness in my eyes, I felt his finger under my chin lifting my face to look into his eyes. Slowly he leaned down till his lips were pressed against mine. I didn't kiss him back and he just pressed harder. "Please kiss me back." He pulled back before quickly placing his lips against mine again. "Baby girl please." His voice was so calm, so soothing it was like he was sucking me back into his mind.
