Giving something to someone who had eptopic

**trigger warning**

Okay so basically my neighbors (who have been trying for a long time and really want a baby) just found out they were pregnant about a week ago. Unfortunately she started bleeding. Turns out she had an ectopic pregnancy and now has to get radiation to basically have a miscarriage. I feel heartbroken for them and want to get them a card and maybe something that basically says we’re sorry for their loss and we’re thinking of them. Is that inappropriate? I have no idea how that feels, and don’t know if they would rather be alone and not have to be reminded of it.

Our other neighbors found out they were pregnant at the same time and brought her a gift for the baby right after the found out about the eptopic pregnancy (she didn’t know yet) and we also have a little baby, so I just feel like they are going through so much right now.