Moving in with bf and his roommates

So I'm 30, my bf is 28. When I met him he was living with his two female roommates and their two kids (the roommates have 1 child each, he has none). We've been dating for around 3 months and he's mentioned that the time is coming for everyone to move again. So early next year they will be moving to a bigger place and they want me to move in too. Boyfriend has been asking if I want to live with them and since I want to move out of my family home it works perfectly.

So essentially I would be sharing a room with my bf and the house with 2 other people and 2 kids. This arrangement is fairly common where I live due to outrageous rent prices and with me, it would lower the cost to be very inexpensive.

However, I've never lived on my own before (always with parents) and have always had my own space. I'm worried that it might drive me and my bf apart because he's going to have to learn to deal with me and my inexperience. Also when we do move, we will have been together a grand total of 9 months. He's fine with this and so am I but my friends and family have some serious doubts.

Are there any tips I should know?