“Chunks” in his semen?

Cross posting in a couple of different forums to hopefully get more answers.

So my boyfriend is 35, healthy, eats a balanced diet and works out regularly. He does not have any medical issues, no STDs, not on meds, nothing abnormal at all. But there are these tiny globs of really thick clear jelly-like substance in his semen that I’ve never seen before. The majority of his seminal fluid is normally textured, it just has these blobs in it. Sorry for the TMI but often he will pull out and ejaculate on my stomach then likes to rub it into my skin, everything will rub in except these little globs of jelly. They’ll dry up and we just kind of wipe them away, sometimes he’ll pick them off of me and put them on a tissue or something to be thrown out. Often after he ejaculates, I can see there is still some semen on his tip but if I try to wipe away with my thumb or whatever, it sticks to my thumb and like fertile CM, it will stretch forever before letting go. Sometimes it’s so viscous that I can actually pinch it and pull, and it will stretch for a bit then and snap out of the tip of his penis with some elasticity. He doesn’t seem surprised so I’m guessing it’s been like this for him most of his life.

I looked it up on Google and it says jelly-like globs in otherwise normal semen often indicates a higher level of testosterone, which makes sense. He’s a big guy naturally and is the kind of lucky bastard where the second he lifts a barbell his arms are instantly... harder if you know what I mean. With very minimal effort he can increase his muscle mass to his liking. Basically he has the makings of a bodybuilder, but not the desire. And I know for a fact he is absolutely not using steroids. So I guess the high testosterone theory might explain the jelly stuff, I was just wondering if anybody else had ever experienced this?