The joker movie... help?

My so is very into comics and he was waiting to see The Joker for a long time. Some days ago I told him I will buy tickets for us to see the movie, he was ecstatic

However, when I saw the trailer I realized it was kind of a very very dark movie (Pls do not shame me, I know I should’ve known before)

The thing is Im not a fan of creepy movies, but he was just so happy. Then I started seeing this articles all over the internet about how this movie was too dark, too violent or too hard to watch. I told him and he offered to watch it without me first, however I know for a fact that sometimes he can underestimate the effect some creepy things have on me. He is just so happy to go see it with me.

I love him, and he always has watched everything I want, but I need help, this is not the first time we see something he likes but is very uncommon (we usually watch my type of movies). Do you think I should refuse to go? Or should I trust him if he goes first? Have yo seen the movie? Is it very dark and creepy?

Sometimes I get that feeling that I should be doing more for him bc he always does this for me and I was trying to do this for him but maybe I need a little warning if it’s too creepy. 🥺