Skip the wedding?

My boyfriend and I have been together for a little more than two years. A couple months after we got together, I met more of his friends.

One friend in question, M, brought his live-in girlfriend of a year, S. We hung out out with M several times after that but I’ve never seen S again so we are not close. A few weeks after I met them, M admits to us he’s cheating on S and continues to sneak around with the new girl (who was married). M said he cheated bc he was bored and S doesn’t ever want to ride him during sex. He broke up with S a few weeks later. He used the excuse that he was leaving for work temporarily and didn’t want her to wait around for him. Well, much to everyone’s surprise, M’s job was cancelled and not long after that he got a job in another state. S went with him and they got back together. A few weeks more and they got engaged. According to M, S has no idea he ever cheated and he claims he doesn’t cheat anymore.

My boyfriend prefers to stay out of it. He told him once that cheating and lying to S was a shitty thing to do but he’s still friends with M. I find M disgusting. IMO he’s a terrible partner and S deserves to know the truth from someone about who she’s marrying. (Not me, I’m not implying that I would insert myself in the drama)

But M has invited us to the wedding. I’m against it. I don’t support the marriage or M and I have no interest in going. M isn’t even a good friend to my boyfriend - he once spiked my boyfriends drink repeatedly to get him super drunk when my boyfriend clearly stated he wasn’t drinking a lot that evening and was serious about that. I think my boyfriend continues to see him as a friend bc he was one of the first people he bonded with when he got stationed here.

I told my boyfriend that I won’t stop him from going and I don’t mind if he feels like that’s something he needs or wants to do, but I won’t be going. I feel like wedding guests should be in support of the marriage and the couple and I’m not so I don’t feel right going. My boyfriend said he appreciates that I don’t mind him going but he wishes I would attend with him. He suggested I set aside my ill feelings about M and just enjoy the festivities. Am I wrong for not going?