My feelings is so confusing

Hi mums and ladies out there.

I am not sure if this is even postpartum depression or me being spoilt and fussy.

I had a traumatic natural birth but couldn't say if I'd regret it or want it in any other way. I am confused how I feel ever since the whole birth and mainly towards my husband. I'm getting teary just to have a glimpse thought of him. I believe he is a good man, a good father but everything I'm thinking now is so negative and I cant seems to turn it around and think he is the best like I used to. We never had been the type to go out to fancy restaurants or go out anywhere we always did things very the same almost every day and I was never really complaining about it anyway. Now after the beautiful baby we had I'm starting to think my husband is selfish. He wont spoil me, he wont even think how I feel. He just sits on his phone most of the day or on his computer doing work related stuff and laze around the house. I mean ofcourse he will help but only when I ask it's like I have to order him what to do and I hate feeling like the mean boss. Why cant he be pro active and lift my shitty spirit up? Instead of me thinking he is on his damn phone or computer only because he is doing this for the family I'm only thinking he doesnt care about me or our baby. Or if he gives attention to the baby I'm happy then I start thinking what about me. I just dont fuking get it why am I thinking so like this it's like suddenly I'm losing appetite and my husband seriously doesnt care!! He just says oh its postpartum your depressed. Or if I started to cry out of nowhere he scolds at me saying why are you crying now?! Am I suppose to feel confused and angry and just not want to eat anymore or should I shake it off and go along with it and think its normal and I'm just being a spoilt brat? Honestly I love my little family but I can't help but feel angry towards my husband it is getting more and more intense and I dont know how to resolve this. I just dont want to turn out a wife that does everything and is not being appreciated or "notice" anymore I think that's what scares me the most that I'm a changed women and I'm now nothing to him.