Bad Mom?

If I were to separate from my husband I would want my daughter to stay with him not only for her but him as well. As much as I'd miss her, the place I would be staying at is no place for a baby. Some places in the home just aren't the cleanest and I don't want to keep her confined to one room all the time. She gets therapies and is fed via G-tube so I feel for her health and growth it'd be best to stay in the home we have right now as a family. She'd have a backyard, a clean home, and everything else she has known. She also gets at home therapies I have to keep in mind. She's only one, but spent the first 7 months in the hospital due to her congenital heart defect so I feel it's key for her to stay in what she knows. But I also feel like I'd be shit mom for not staying with her. I currently work full time(4pm-11pm) so she's with Dad or a sitter from then until she goes to bed at 9pm. If I were to leave I would come in the morning to be with her until I leave for work so her schedule wouldn't be too different. Just no mom from 11pm to about 6am. I would of course want her every other weekend and preferaby both of my days off. Does this make me a bad mom? Or seflish? Please don't judge me. I'm just trying figure what would be best. And even though my name is on the house as well I don't feel right making him leave if I am the unhappy one.

***Yes, we have tried marriage counseling.

I also do my own therapy once a week.

__I don't feel right making him leave the house when I'm the unhappy one in the marriage.