Wondering when to try for number 2


So my husband is pretty insistent on having babies close together.. I'm okay with spreading them out but I'm also flexible. So my daughter was born in April and because my husband thinks 18 months apart is the best way to go he wants to start trying again in January. My problem is that my MIL, BIL, Brother, Uncle, Best Friend, Husband's Best Friend and my birthday are all October birthdays and I feel like that's over kill. So I'm thinking if we start trying earlier we might be able to avoid that, but when should I be going off birth control do you think to restart fertility? I am on the mini pill. I was thinking if I quit around the end of October then that gives us a couple of months of trying to hopefully conceive before we get into the area of having an October baby. If not we may have to end up waiting until February.

Also how hard is it to conceive number 2,we had a very easy time with number 1 but I think it was probably sheer dumb luck.

Pick of our daughter for the cuteness