Mother in Law


So I am in need of some anonymous advice. My mother in law passed away about a month before I met my husband (My husband very sweetly believes I am the answer to his mother's final prayer, her worry at him being alone). The death was sudden and so most of her things were just thrown in boxes and put in the garage and forgotten.

I have begun cleaning out the garage and found an old journal of hers. I was thrilled to find it and decided I would save it to give to my daughters when they got older, so they could know her better.

I read through it this afternoon and realized it was actually copys of letters she was sending her first love, a married man. She was at the time of these letters divorced from my father in law, and very bitter. She talks about being forced into the marriage by her parents, and being abused by my father in law.

She talks of other things as well, her pain at loosing her first born son, he died at 21, how much she misses her father, but mostly it is about how much she regrets loosing her first love. At the end she seems to realize that changing her past would mean loosing her children, and comes to a kind of closure.

Now I know this journal would hurt my husband, this is not the way he would want to have his mom remembered. But it is the only bit of their Grandma my girls will really ever have. I am inclined to keep it, hidden until my girls are adults, maybe even until their Grandpa passes away, and then letting them read it. Thoughts?