how do i make my boyfriend feel more involved?

❗️this is long but i’m really looking for advice ❗️

i’m 30 weeks pregnant and my boyfriend has told me a few times he doesn’t feel like a father. i include him in everything i possibly can so i don’t see how he feels like that. he says all i want is his money and that’s all a dad is for. i try to get him to see and feel her move, but the little girl decides to be completely still as soon as i tell him she’s moving lol. i include him in all purchases, every time i read something new i tell him, i give my opinion on how i think she should be raised when it comes to certain things, and then he gives his and we come to an agreement on how we’re going to do that certain thing. i just think it’s natural that the mom does most if not all of the research on how to do certain things or what products to buy. i don’t know how else to make him feel like a father when she’s not here. i told him it’s unfortunate that only women have a deep connection with the baby before it’s here because they are the only ones carrying the child, but i have no control over that.

did your partners feel like this? how did you make them feel more involved during the pregnancy? i don’t want him to feel like i only want him here financially because that’s not the case.

this conversation recently started because i told him when she goes to his house, i’m going to be there too. i want to breastfeed so it’s almost impossible for me to be away from her 1-2 days out the week. i may not pump enough for her. i’m 100% for formula and have no problem with it, but i’m afraid going so long without the boob may cause issues. he wants one on one time, but that can still happen with me there.. i can leave the house or they can go on walks or something before it’s firm for her next feed. she’s going to be with me 95% of the time which is true and he didn’t like that i said that (we don’t live together which is another reason why people should wait until they are older and under the same roof to have kids.) anyway, he works until late at night 5-6 days out the week, by the time he gets off i’m hoping she’s sound asleep. it’s not play time then.