Screaming toddlers 😱


Mommy brought out her tough voice tonight instead of trying to calm her down and telling her to breathe and relax, etc. and BAM 💥 it worked. She wouldn’t eat but crying she wanted to eat but didn’t like what I made (she’s had it a lot) she was throwing her food and telling me “stop talking mommy” screaming at the top of her lungs for all my neighbors to hear, and that was it. I brought out my tough mommy voice and she sucked it up, stopped crying and ate her whole dinner. I hate that I had to do that because I don’t like sounding mean, but the shit worked. Now daddy is giving her a bath, I took some time to take my dog for a walk and breath and walked down to the liquor store and back with a bottle of wine 🍷 time to relax. Cheers ladies 🥂 wish me luck! And good luck to you with your toddlers!

Any positive advice on the screaming and yelling toddlers would be great 👍

Have a nice night!