I just need to vent...


I’m so scared that I’m not going to be able to get pregnant, my fiancé and I have been taking zero precautions to prevent getting pregnant because we’re just gonna let it happen when it happens. But it’s been almost 2 years and nothing, I feel like it’s my fault because of my endometriosis. My parents, his parents, grandparents, friends, etc. have all asked when we’re gonna have a baby and it just kills me when we get asked it. I see people I know posting about how they are pregnant on fb and I just get upset and pissed when I see them because I want that. My nephews love my fiancé and it’s the cutest thing in the world seeing him make them laugh and everything, he will be an amazing dad and i just wanna be able to give him that. I’ve been spotting for a few weeks and had a blood pregnancy test done after I called my doctors office and it came back negative and I just sat in my moms bathroom and cried. I try and let it not bother me but it’s getting hard and I dont know what to do, also if anyone has any tips for ttc with endo that would be amazing!