My relationship..

This is something I wrote my boyfriend a couple days ago cause we’ve been having problems.. just wanted to share it.

I was at a wedding today... I cried because seeing my aunt who I am very close with get married is just so amazing. I also cried because I thought of you. Hearing all the words that were said today and all the speeches made me realize that it doesn’t seem like you love me. We aren’t perfect in any way of course, but I realized that if you did truly love me you wouldn’t want me to change. Even if I act “fake” in school sometimes I can’t help it. I don’t even realize it. And I am sorry for that.

There are many many things that you do that I don’t like but I never say a thing because despite it all in my mind you my unique one of a kind boy. MY boy... and baby I wouldn’t trade you for the world.

You don’t see it but you have changed too... when we were first going out you didn’t go out much and you were just about me. I was your world. Now I can’t even get a goodmorning text when I send you paragraphs among paragraphs for you to wake up to filled with my thoughts and love for you. When we were first going out you used to beg me to come over and you would beg me not to leave when I had to. Now you could care less. You used to hate seeing me cry and you’d cuddle me to tell me everything would be okay. Now you get upset and yell at me and call me a baby for having emotions I can’t help. I’m a softy and I cry easily. I can’t help it. That’s me. I just want you to look at me and say to yourself “damn I’m lucky. That’s MY girl. Damn!”. Cause thats how I feel about you. Everytime I see you I’m like damn baby......

I wish you would admire me.. I notice every single dimple and mark and beauty mark on your face and just two weeks ago you noticed the gap between my teeth... that hurt. I notice every crevice in your face and body but you don’t even want to look at me to notice such things..

Show me you love me. Please. Until then as hard as it’s gonna be for me I’m done showing you the affection I do. And maybe once I stop you’ll notice how much I actually do...

There is so much we need to talk about. So many explanations needed.

I don’t know how but you don’t see that I love you as much as I do. Well trust me Mikey. I DO. So SO much..... all my friends think I’m stupid for going back again and again and trying again and again. Nothing I do is ever good enough for you. But no matter what I always try because I can’t lose you. I’m so broken. I love you so much. It’s not just me. It’s both of us. We’re fucked up. No matter what happens just know in a way I’ll always be yours and you mine. I love you, your mind, your soul, your body, and your heart.
