Missing dog


I am a member of many pet groups on Facebook. I came across a post today of a person who lost their dog. It’s a beautiful German shepherd who apparently isn’t a year old yet but is very skinny. The person claiming the dog is there’s only has pictures. She’s never taken the dog to the vet and hasn’t had him registered (which is required where we live). Her and a lot of other people responding to her kept saying that she should be able to get the dog based off pictures alone but the person who found the dog has had multiple people claim ownership of the dog but no one has been able to show proof. Do you think this person should be given the dog? I personally don’t think pictures prove anything as some animals can look the same. The fact that she also hasn’t been responsible enough to get this dog, his vaccines also to me shows that she has no business owning one. Her excuse for never taking him to a vet was that he looked healthy 🙄. What do y’all think? Do you think the person with the dog is in the wrong?