Need some advice


A little background me and my boyfriend have been together almost 2 years now we have a son who's turning 1 on Halloween. Back in September I found out he started talking to his ex about problems we have been having and then I found out he gave her a ride when he saw her one day at the bus stop but he wasn't gonna tell me, before you guys start assuming I went through his phone I didn't one day we were cuddling watching videos on Instagram and I saw her name pop up. After I confronted him he got mad and kept telling me to drop it but I wanted to know why he was talking to her especially when they ended on really bad terms. He kept refusing to talk saying drop it I'll just stop talking to her I already had to apologize for the way you acted (me and his ex have a mutual friend and I asked her why was she texting my boyfriend because he told me she was the one who messaged him first) then I found out all the other stuff I mentioned. Well he is still looking her up on Instagram (she told my friend that she blocked me and him but she only blocked me) I should mention she also has a boyfriend. I guess what I'm really asking is am I just over reacting, I've never had good relationships each one the guy was either verbally abusive, possessive, had anger issues, cheated multiple times and one was even physically abusive... I've always blamed myself for everything I've never fought just kinda took it I'm a very passive person. A few days after the fight we were trying to get intimate but I couldn't and I ended up breaking down and I couldn't let him touch me. I want this relationship to work because I do love him like I've never loved any one (cliche I know) and I want my son to grow up in a loving family. I'm not trying to look for pity I just need advice I'm going crazy over thinking