Today's the day! UPDATE

Bri • 🌈 💙 10/2019 🌈💗 12/2022

At midnight I turned 38 weeks. An hour before that my water broke. I thought I accidentally peed myself at first 😂 but even after I went to the bathroom every time I moved I had another gush and knew it had to be my fluid.

I lost my mucus plug 2 days ago, a day after I had a membrane sweep and was 1 cm dilated at my appointment Tuesday.

We got to the hospital and as I was changing into the gown my water gushed all over the floor. 😳 After checking me I'm still only 1 cm dilated! My contractions are about 5 minutes apart, but they are probably going to give me something to help speed the dilating up.

Looks like I'm in for a long night/day but I'm so excited he's on his way!!

Update #1: I'm still pregnant. Not in much pain (contractions really just feel like strong period cramps, but trackable) and bored because I've now been here for 12 hours with little to no progress with dilation. I feel like I'm going to be here for days! 😩

Update #2: He's finally here! Born 10/20/19 at 9:29 am (my water broke 11 pm on 10/18). After very slow progress in dilation and 3 hours of pushing he arrived. Unfortunately he is having a hard time regulating his breathing and needed fluids after being stuck in the birth canal for so long, he has to stay in the NICU for a little while. Hoping he gets released to my room later today.

I found it interesting that at my 36 week growth scan they said he was 7 lb 14 oz but he was born at 38w1d and only 7 lb 7 oz!

Jay Cameron, 7 lb 7 oz