Working struggle...could use some encouragement

Baby girl is 6 months old, loving her in-home daycare provider and watching the other kids. I go and nurse her at noon, and hubby is a teacher so he picks her up at 345pm so she is not even there for 8 hours. And I work 4 days a week. However, lately she is teething and fussy, not taking naps etc because the other kids are noisy, so she is fussy at home and wants to go to bed early, then I don't get much time with her. I'm struggling because even though I have to work (pretty much have to have 2 incomes due to student loans and mortgages and whatnot) I just feel like I'm not getting enough time with my precious baby. I was totally fine last week, and every time she has a blowout diaper at daycare I'm glad it's not me... So what's my problem? Will this pass? Thanks for listening!!