My toxic ex always told me I slept walk but not sure if it’s true

Last night I woke up sitting up in my bed confused and patting around. I ended up patting my cat and she meowed (I’ve woken up to her meowing before so maybe that’s what caused me to wake up?). I moved back in with my parents couple months ago and a few times I’ve woke up sitting up and confused where I’m at. Couple years ago, after first moving in with my ex he was telling me I was constantly sleep walking, cussing at him, telling him how much I hate him, apparently masturbating, and saying I’ll cheat on him with the neighbor. He was saying this was happening daily. It scared me honestly. I was stressed during this time. My now ex was very controlling and was always assuming I was cheating on him. I did hate him as he felt like a threat but he wouldn’t let me leave. Couple years ago at a family trip, I fell asleep in the living room of our room, while everyone was having dinner and started talking in my sleep. He told me to take sleeping supplement and apparently that helped me stop. I stopped those after a month and he never mentioned it again. Once we moved he kept saying I probably sneak off and bang his brother while he’s asleep (which wasn’t true)

And the time before that my mom told me I sat up while we were sleeping over at the zoo and I was 10 around that time. I sleep with a table in front of my door cause I’m worried I might sleep walk and I’m assuming, it would wake me up if I tried moving it.

Could he might’ve been telling the truth? I’m not sure if I get up and walk around now, but 3 months ago I had a dream or was half awake half asleep that my sheet was flying away and I was trying to grab it, so I started to get off the bed, trying to grab the sheet, fully woke up and realized I was sorta dreaming. I might’ve been awake but still visioning stuff, as I did feel there and present. If I do fully wake up sitting up, I’m usually confused as to where in bed am I facing and will find my pillow and go back to sleep

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