Pooping problem - less than 2 week old

You Can Call Me NightHawk.

In need of some help!

Afew days ago my LO didn't poo for 2 days, she was physically straining and usually a happy babe but was clearly in discomfort, had us up crying and was hard to console

I did bicycle legs, rubbed her tummy and let her have naked time (because luck granted they always have a movement when you're unprepared) the tummy rubs and naked time resulted in about 3 diapers worth of poo! Genuinely never been so excited over poo lol

Well since then we're back to where we were.... 2nd day with no poos.... shes formula and breast fed (waiting to see if she needs a lip tie cut, wanting to only breastfeed) I've done exactly what I did previous (including baths) and all I'm getting is ALOT of farts!

Anything I can give her to help move things along? My mum suggested a small amount of pre-boiled warm water... any advice please!