High risk pregnancy for the 3rd time!

Jessika • ♥️ 30 year old mommy to 4 sweet babies 3 on earth and one in heaven (born sleeping at 31 weeks 6 days)

Went to my first appointment Monday!

Baby looks good and I’m 8 weeks 6 days

They said I’ll be classified and treated as high risk again.

Starting progesterone at 16 weeks and will take one injection a week until 36 weeks!

Will be seen 1 time every single week from 20 weeks on until 30 weeks then it’ll increase to 2x a week!

Will 100% be delivering at 37 weeks

BUT AMAZING NEWS! They will be letting me attempt a VBAC if I’m favorable at the time of induction 😭🙏🏼

Due June 11 but baby will be born in May!