Anyone else feel like they don’t have a husband/partner anymore?

Baby girl turned 4weeks yesterday and my husband is an amazing dad to her (knew he would be cause we have an 8 year old.) He fixes bottles, he wakes up when she cries even when he’s worked 3 doubles in a role which are 5am to 9pm, and he’s constantly checking in on her when he can at work.

But I don’t feel important anymore. Kinda like we’re just two people parenting together and not husband & wife. For instance he’ll kiss me before he leaves for work but that’s it, nothing when he comes home.

He’ll message to ask about the kids,what’s for dinner, if I’ll pick up this or that from the store but doesn’t ask about me. When I try to start conversation he replies mostly with one word responses but every now and again I’ll get a full sentence. When he comes home he spends a time with the kids before bed,eats, showers and then goes to bed.

I know it’s just a phase while adjusting to having a new born again but I’m seriously feeling alone and unimportant.