How to get thick thighs


Hello my friends.

I’ve recently lost a lot of weight, which I was very happy about because I’ve always struggled with my weight since young. I went from 175/180 to 155/160.

With the weight loss, went the loss of my butt and my fuller figure.

I want to get my butt back and my thick thighs because I feel like I’m missing something of myself. And I liked my fuller figure when it came to below my waist.

I’d like to know some dietary tips on how to gain healthy weight, and some good thigh, leg, butt work outs and also core work outs bc with any weight gain id like to keep my stomach as flat as it is now as well as my upper body.

I like my body now because I feel like I have curves in the right places my butt has just decreased in size and so have my legs and I hate it so much. I miss that bigger part of myself.

So please! Comment any tips for me! Any suggestions or thoughts! Anything is appreciated.

I should add as of now I have no access to a gym but I am willing to do at home work outs with little to know equipment 💖