Birth story


Went to the hospital on October 24 to do an NST and then had to go to L&D because I failed the test for the 3rd time got sent home to come back to do the test over on Friday the 25th of October I was told that I'm not leaving and I was going to get induced at 38 weeks and 1 day... I wasn't ready but thought it was good that he wouldn't have to come on his older sister birthday which was Oct 27th. I got to the hospital at 10 am for my appointment and then went to see my doctor to tell her the news. I got upstairs to L&D at 2pm and didn't get a room until almost 7pm but I was in no rush I I tired nipple stimulation to bring on my contractions which I was already having but didn't know since this was my first baby, my fiance and his mom arrived around the same time like 8pm and my doctor came up to check up on me before she left and said I was only 2cm dilated so she said I would have to get the pitocin because my contractions weren't regular so I had no choice they told me I had to stay in bed on Oct 26th my doctor came in to check on me and I was 4cm at 3:45pm and she broke my water but the other doctor told me I was still at 2cm before my doctor arrived and told me I would have to get the balloon to get me to 4cm but since she had small fingers she really couldn't feel my cervix it was still high up thank god for my doctor they came to check my cervix around 8pm that night and I was 8cm but baby boy heart rate was dropping because the pitocin was bringing on my contractions so they put IV fluid into my lady parts and up into my uterus so my son heart rate can go back to up and it helped I told my doctor I felt like I had to push and she asked me if I wanted the epidural and I said yes and the anesthesiologist looked at my chart and said I wouldn't be able to get it because I was on baby aspirin I didn't care and wanted to have an vaginal birth so my doctor went to check my cervix and I was 5cm I was at lost for words and she said I would have to do an emergency c section since my cervix got swollen and started to close smh I had to get morphine for the pain and only my fiance could be in the room he came in right after they started to cut me open and I was so scared but then I heard my baby boy screaming at the top of his lungs he was born at 4:55am 6.7 lbs and 19.5 in on October 27th on sisters birthday but it was the happiest day of my life and everytime I look at him it make me cry happy tears I can't believe he's here