Are these feelings normal

I've been having really bad thoughts lately and I'm not really sure if I'm being dramatic or not. I have ptsd and bipolar disorder so anxiety and dips in my mood are pretty normal for me, but for the last few weeks I've been having crippling paranoia. I constantly think about the people in my life leaving me in someway. Like they'll either get annoyed with me or they'll die. I feel like I need to check on everyone every few minutes to make sure they're still alive even. I also have this random fear that came out of no where that the FBI is gonna like bust through my door? I have no idea where this thought came from but im constantly checking outside to make sure my house isn't "surrounded". There is no reason for me to fear this. I've never done anything illegal in my entire life. Not even minor traffic violations but I still have this fear. I constantly think about "if you die right now no one would know and they couldn't save you" or "if you die right now who is going to take care of the baby until someone finds you" "what if people don't respect your wishes after you die and your family falls apart". I'm also starting to pick up OCD like habits, for example, I had to shut my daughter's door three times in a row today bc something told me "if you don't the house might burn down". I also have to check my locks and relock all of them every few hours. I'm not sure why I feel this way. And I'm not sure if it'll go away on its own or if I need to see someone