Bad marriage

I have a three and a half month old beautiful little girl. She’s our rainbow baby after three miscarriages. I feel completely broken right now as I write this. My husband always had anger issues ... we used to go to counseling before we had her and then he quit last April. He also quit counseling on his own. When we had our baby in July he was better, I didn’t see the anger come out really ...but obviously without help I knew it would always be there. Well I started working from full time to part time recently so that we didn’t have to put her in daycare and could save money that way. He stays home with her three days a week- the days I’m at work. It seemed to be working fine until the past few days. He’s been with her since Saturday so sat sun mon and yesterday all day. He seemed to have reached a breaking point and been in a really shitty mood yesterday. I usually go to bed around 8 when she does and sleep 5 plus hours so I can get some sleep and he would do the later feeding then I usually get up throughout the night. Well last night around midnight I heard her crying. As any mom would do I came out to see what was going on. He yelled at me go back to bed! She’s been crying for over an hour! I said no I’m going

In there to console her. He then threw the monitor at the wall and broke it so we now have no monitor. He brought it in and said here you go. Now it’s broken. I was holding her trying to hold back the tears wondering what I did. I wouldn’t have her without him but I feel terrible that this is who her dad is. She deserves so much better as do I, and I don’t know what to do. I get that it’s been hard. Parenthood is hard and challenging and many marriages break up but this behavior is unacceptable. I can’t let her see it’s ok to rest a woman that way. How am I supposed to leave him with a 3.5 month old?? We don’t have any family here they’re all out of state. I’m close with my mom and told her all this and it made her feel sick and upset too. I don’t know what to do. I feel like I have no support. This marriage is bringing me down and on top of little sleep and hormones, I feel like a basket case. I know I need to be strong for her, I feel terrible for her. I think hes been letting her cry it out. She was screaming the other day and he was letting her and I asked what he was doing and he said as long as I keep running to her she’s gonna keep crying. That’s bullshit! This young they aren’t capable of crying for attention. I worry what kind of damage has he done to my little girl already by letting her cry it out even though I am with her four days a week and always respond to her cries I’m worried about how this has harmed her already. I see a therapist and just texted her this morning. I just feel so sad and broken. Has anyone ever been in this situation before? What did you do.

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Posted at
Do what is best for you and your daughter- get out while you can before he gets so angry he throws the baby instead of an object.


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Is it possible to split the days up that you work? New babies are hard. Even at 3.5months it’s still new. No it isn’t ok to get angry or act that way but in the same breath maybe 4 days in a row is too much. Maybe he just doesn’t know how to cope with a crying baby. Trust your gut either way but it’s ok to try to talk it out. Keep the communication if possible. If he won’t try then definitely figure out your options.


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My husband has anger issues and ODD. He was in therapy since the time he was 7 yrs old I believe it was. He hasn’t been in atleast a decade but I want to tell you my experience. When we first got married it was hard, I didn’t understand his mental issues. At times I really wanted to run away, I didn’t think it was worth it. I ALWAYS took everything he said in a altercation to heart. Fast forward to now, our relationship is amazing. We are the happiest we have ever been and I am so happy I stood it out and learned how to handle my husbands mental state when he is upset. I use to make it worse by engaging in the anger. I have learned since to let him be angry, not to engage in a fight but to listen. Generally he will storm away, and that’s okay, I give him his space. We will talk about it after he settles down, this was the hardest lesson for me because i have never been one to hold my tongue.. I always had to acknowledge his anger and the altercation while it was occurring, but since I stopped doing that, wow what a difference! We rarely fight anymore, rarely have issues and I honestly believe it’s because I learned how to handle him when he’s struggling. With all that being said, I have never been physically scared of my husband, and if you feel that you or your daughter are in danger, leave. No questions asked. But if he is generally good and had a episode because he is overwhelmed, try to be understanding and maybe talk it over once he’s feeling better. People with anger issues are struggling emotionally... even if it’s hard to realize it, it’s almost never actually because of you, but from stress.


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All i can say is it is really hard to be a parent and even the best parents lose their temper. Perhaps talk when you ate both calm and see if he is willing to do the counseling. You know him best and what he is capable of and in your gut you know what to do.


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Save your baby.


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Newborns are hard work no doubt but it’s not their fault, they’re not doing it on purpose! If in were you I’d demand he get serious and regular therapy and anger management or I’d be out the door. Good luck to you and your precious baby