Marriage Advice

Have you ever had a period of time where you just don’t love your husband? We’ve gone through problems of him cheating and I’ve been with him for so long that I always forgave him and told him we’d work through it even though continues to happen for the last 4 years it. He does oilfield and we can’t always travel with him so I always felt like it was my fault because he was always alone and he always said and acted like he really regretted it. Now he got a job back home and I feel like I like him better gone. I no longer what to have sex with him (i used to want to do it almost every day) or really want to do anything with him cuddling, kissing, anything. I tried making myself do sweet nice things for him but it just feels like a chore now. Now that he’s been home there’s been no cheating or anything and he’s an amazing dad and I think that’s what kept me holding on for so long. I love him I just don’t know if I’m in love with him anymore. Any advice on what to do would be amazing.